Monday, September 17, 2012

Cosmic Musings

This week has been truly enlightening for me for various reasons. The first reason is rather unfortunate--a close friend of the family is currently extremely ill and undergoing a lot of hospital care. While the circumstances of this fact are sad, when I found out about this situation I was shocked at how strong my reaction was.

I'm a healer. I work with energy, I like to dabble in herbalism and I am absolutely and without a doubt fascinated in any of the ancient systems for restoring balance within the human body (Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathic treatments) I HAD to do something about this situation--it was an almost primal need to help someone in distress. This helps me realize I'm doing the right thing, day by day, inch by inch.

Additionally, I'm finding out more about myself and my path as I go along. I'm learning to listen to that quiet inner voice that doesn't lie when circumstances are shady or you need to tweak something. "Don't go down that path, it's a dead end..."

Being true to yourself is probably one of the most difficult experiences you could ever intentionally have. Change in the face of life circumstances is painful--and when divinity tells you it's time for something new our first response is to wail and kick and scream and cry, bemoan our woes, and go wallow somewhere in self pity for awhile. That's ok, because divinity can wait (indefinitely). Eventually, when you're done throwing a pity party you'll pick yourself up and soldier on.

The end result is always a stronger and clearer picture of that wonderful work of art that you are. I'm not sure why we hate the process of change so much, but the results are amazing! We get to look back and realize there was  no need for all the fuss. Having to read SO much for classes lately led me to this statement and I think it's universally true:

"The true icon is your neighbor, the human being who has been created in the image and with the likeness of God. How beautiful it is when our eyes are transfigured and we see that our neighbor is the icon of God, and that you, and you, and I--we are all the icons of God. How serious it is when we hate the image of God, whoever that may be, whether a Jew or a Palestinian. How serious it is when we cannot go and say, 'I am sorry about the icon of God who was hurt by my behaviour.' We all need to be transfigured so we can recognise the glory of God in one another." (2001,46-47)

This touches on a few themes for me, particularly recognizing the divinity within us. We have gods and goddesses within us guiding us to our true nature every day. When we live our lives in the spirit of love we become one with that nature, perpetuating all that is beautiful about humanity. When we decide not to live our lives in the spirit of love we become cut off from that essence and we all suffer. I ask that you think about this the next time you want to be really ugly to someone else...would you say and do those things to God?

Bright Blessings,


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